Geranium himalayense
Herbaceous perennial forming a compact mat of lobed, dark green foliage which offer good autumn colour and bearing masses of light blue flowers with white eyes in summer.
Geranium macrorrhizum 'White-Ness'
An evergreen cultivar with spreading habit producing masses of pure white flowers set against pale green leaves in summer.
Geranium phaeum 'Lily Lovell'
A clump-forming perennial with lobed, light green leaves and slender stems bearing deep purple flowers in late spring and early summer.
Geranium phaeum 'Robin's Angel Eyes'
Slender branching stems of small purple flowers with near white centres and a halo of purple veins in late spring and early summer.
Geranium pyrenaicum 'Bill Wallis'
Deciduous to semi-evergreen perennial with sprawling habit and bearing open sprays of vivid purple flowers throughout the summer.
Geranium pyrenaicum 'Summer Snow'
A clump-forming perennial with rounded, lobed leaves producing loose sprays of small white flowers from spring to early autumn.
Geranium sylvaticum 'Album'
A spreading herbaceous perennial with deeply-divided and lobed foliage bearing small white flowers from late spring into early summer.
Geranium x magnificum
A bushy, clump-forming perennial with lobed, hairy green foliage and bearing rich purple flowers with darker veining in summer.
Geum 'Alabama Slammer' (Cocktails Series)
A clump-forming perennial producing a dense mound of lobed, slightly glossy leaves with toothed edges and single to semi-double, golden yellow flowers with orange-red edges on stiff, upright, purple stems in late spring and summer.
Geum 'Flames of Passion'
A compact, clump-forming perennial with lobed foliage and bearing semi-double, red-pink flowers in summer.
Geum 'Mrs J. Bradshaw'
A clump-forming perennial which is very fast-growing, forming a dense carpet of scalloped leaves with semi-double, vivid scarlet flowers throughout summer.
Geum 'Scarlet Tempest' (Tempest Series)
A great perennial forming a basal rosette of green leaves with apricot-flushed, scarlet red flowers on sturdy stems from mid-spring.
Geum rivale
A densely-foliaged plant ideal for the herbaceous border or even beside ponds, bearing pendulous dusky pink to pale orange flowers throughout the summer.
Geum rivale 'Leonard's Variety'
A compact, clump-forming perennial with a basal rosette of lobed green leaves producing several, nodding, bell-shaped, semi-double, coppery-pink flowers on reddish-brown stems from late spring throughout summer.
Gillenia trifoliata 'Pink Profusion'
An upright perennial with red-tinted stems and bronze-green foliage turning orange and red in autumn, producing airy clusters of pink flowers in late spring and summer.
Hesperantha coccinea 'Oregon Sunset'
A strong-growing, clump-forming, semi-evergreen perennial with sword-shaped leaves producing spikes of deep coral-red flowers in autumn.
Hosta 'Big Daddy' (sieboldiana hybrid)
Very large, cupped and puckered, blue-green foliage with near white flowers in summer.
Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears'
A miniature hosta with mounds of blue-grey leaves producing lavender-coloured flowers in summer.
Hosta 'Devon Green'
A clump-forming perennial with large, dark green, heart-shaped leaves, ideal for ground cover in shady, moist borders. In August it displays lilac flowers on upright stems.
Hosta 'Empress Wu'
An exceptionally large plantain lily with very lagre, thick, dark green, heart-shaped leaves with deep veins and producing lightly fragrant violet flowers in summer.
Hosta 'Frances Williams' (sieboldiana)
A clump-forming perennial with broad, heart-shaped and puckered, grey-green leaves with irregular yellow-green margins, producing pale lilac flowers in summer.
Hosta 'Gold Standard'
Large, heart-shaped creamy yellow leaves with dark green margins producing lavender flowers in summer.
Hosta 'Happy Dayz'
A compact perennial forming a clump of corrugated yellow foliage with green margins turning darker as the summer progresses, producing lavender flowers on upright stems in midsummer.
Hosta 'Patriot'
A clump-forming perennial with rounded, heart-shaped leaves, edged white and bearing lavender-blue flowers on long stems in summer.
Hosta 'Praying Hands'
An unnusual variety with dark-green, elongated, heavily rippled leaves, with shiny undersides and a narrow, creamy margin, producing pale-lavender, bell-shaped flowers in summer.
Hosta 'Purple Heart'
A clump-forming perennial with lime-green leaves with a maroon-flushed base, producing pale-purple flowers in late summer.
Hosta 'Royal Standard'
A vigorous, clump-forming herbaceous perennial with glossy, light green, heart-shaped leaves and in summer bearing tall spikes of fragrant white flowers.
Hosta 'Sum and Substance'
A clump-forming perennial with large, shiny, yellow-green, heart-shaped leaves and bearing pale lilac, bell-shaped flowers in summer.
Hosta 'Thunderbolt' (sieboldiana)
A strong-growing, clump-forming perennial with thick, rounded, deeply-veined and textured, blue-green leaves with central yellow streaking, producing pure white, funnel-shaped flowers in summer.
Hosta 'Wide Brim'
A clump-forming perennial with puckered, heart-shaped, dark green leaves with broad, creamy-yellow margins and in summer bearing pale lavender flowers on tall stems.
Hosta (Tardiana Group) 'June'
Matt golden yellow oval leaves developing irregular blue margins with pale blue-green streaking and glaucous undersides, producing pale purple flowers in late summer.
Hyssopus officinalis
A compact and spreading, semi-evergreen perennial or sub-shrub with aromatic foliage producing spikes of whorled, blue flowers in summer and early autumn.
Iris 'Carnival Time'
One of the great garden irises! Ruffled standards of coppery brown, chestnut red centre falls edged amber. Sweetly scented. This iris is a really strong growing garden plant and should thrive in most gardens to give masses of colour each June.
Iris 'Indian Chief'
A rhizomatous perennial with grey-green, sword-shaped leaves, producing velvety maroon red flowers with orange-yellow beards in late spring and early summer.
Iris 'Lemon Ice'
Endearing, lemon yellow flowers borne in profusion. The fall petals have a white central patch, blending into the white beards. An easily grown iris needing little more than a sunny spot in well drained soil.
Iris 'Ola Kala'
(Sass 1943). One of the very best and most enduring of historic irises. A very deep and rich yellow, the flowers have great form.
Iris 'Quechee'
Almost invariably seen at the Chelsea Flower Show, including Joe Swift's garden in 2012. Large shapely flowers of deep mahogany red. Free flowering, a group of this lovely plant pervades the air with the scent of orange chocolate...yummy! Height to around. 90cm.
Iris 'Rocket'
A clump-forming perennial with sword-like, grey-green leaves, producing large, fragrant, bright orange, ruffled flowers with a hint of soft pink at the edges.
Kniphofia 'Bees' Lemon'
A clump-forming herbaceous perennial with long, grass-like foliage and bearing upright racemes of yellow flowers, opening from green buds.
Lamium orvala 'Album'
A clump-forming perennial with bright green foliage, producing whorls of creamy-white, hoded flowers from late spring into summer.
Libertia chilensis
Evergreen perennial with sword-like foliage and bearing tall, slender stems of simple, pure white flowers in summer.
Lysimachia 'Candela'
A compact and clump-forming perennial with broad, lance-shaped, dark-green leaves producing dense racemes of saucer-shaped, white flowers in summer.
Macleaya cordata
A tall perennial with lobed, grey-green foliage with white undersides, producing plumes of pendulous buff-white flowers in summer.
Melissa officinalis
Lemon Balm. A bushy perennial with lemon-scented, oval green leaves with scalloped edges, producing spikes of creamy-white of pale purple flowers in summer.
Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant'
Spikes of lavender blue flowers throughout the summer above silvery aromatic leaves, makes this an attractive and robust catmint for the garden.
Nepeta cataria
A deciduous perennial with aromatic, greyish-green leaves with toothed margins, producing small white flowers spotted with violet in summer and autumn.
Nepeta grandiflora 'Summer Magic'
A compact, upright perennial with strongly aromatic grey-green foliage producing dense clusters of tubular violet-blue flowers throughout summer and into autumn.
This plant may be received cut back but it will soon begin to put on new growth.
Nepeta racemosa 'Snowflake'
A deciduous perennial wth aromatic, greyish-green foliage producing spires of tubular white flowers in summer.