RHS Chelsea Flower Show Update

RHS Chelsea Flower Show Update

December 9th 2021

The nursery is still filling up, plants are being potted all day every day as we rush to get everything potted up before Christmas. Jess and her colleagues have shivered their way through the last couple of weeks of chilly weather, but the end is almost in sight. 

The plants for all 9 Show gardens should soon all be in their final pots and snuggly growing in our polytunnels. It's been a 4 month marathon which began even before we sent plants to the last Chelsea Flower Show in September.   

And still, despite this awful north wind that has besieged us for the last 2 weeks, we have only had 2 light frosts so far. This lack of frost has meant that many plants are still in full leafy growth, and some are still even in flower.

These pictures show just how relatively verdant we still are!

We are in regular contact with all nine of our Chelsea clients. There are always a few plants on any Chelsea list which prove either impossible to track down or find in enough quantity or size to be worthy of potting on and growing for the Show. Mid December is usually the cut off time when we say to each designer, that we have done our best to find a particular rare darling of a plant that they crave, but its just not feasible and so please can they choose something different. Often, we have already done the thinking on their behalf, and when they come up with an alternative plant, we can casually say, ''oh yes we did some of those for you too!'' 

This is the last RHS Chelsea Flower Show update for 2021. Watch out for our next post in January 2022. We are itching to reveal our clients but are still awaiting the official reveal from the RHS.

Posted by Liam Murphy
9th December 2021

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