Chelsea September 2021

Chelsea September 2021

Chelsea Flower Show Update 27th May


We are excited to announce that we are growing plants for 6 of the Show Gardens at the new September Show. 2 of the gardens are still a bit of a secret and cannot be revealed just yet, but 4 of them are listed below.

Bodmin Jail: 60 degrees East- A Garden Between Continents
Designer: Ekaterina Zasukhina with Carly Kershaw

This garden was originally planned for the May Show and has been tweaked for the September Show. This garden blends the planting palettes of Europe and Asia in a garden design that pays homage to the unsurpassed beauty of Russia’s Ural Mountain landscapes. With winter temperatures as low as -20°C, the garden will contain some surprisingly familiar plants as well as other less familiar ones.

Guangzhou China: Guangzhou Garden
Designer: Peter Chmiel with Chin-Jung Chen

The garden highlights the benefits of responsible city planning and how planners must work in harmony with nature to better connect people with the natural world. Characterful trees and shrubs make up the woodland. Sedges, euphorbia and ferns provide a horizontal carpet punctuated with accent. The effect is an elegant and graceful drifting wave of green foliage, dotted with frothy perennials, in soft hues of white, blue and yellow. This garden was originally intended for the May Show. The plant list has been revised to adapt it for the September Show.

Bible Society: The Psalm 23 Garden
Designer: Sarah Eberle

Sarah Eberle’s interpretation of Psalm 23 is a garden that offers a place to breathe, re-engage with nature, and feel mentally, physically and spiritually restored.
The garden is inspired by the landscape of Dartmoor. It was originally intended for the May Show, and surprisingly has needed only minor adjustments to make it suitable for the September Show.

Trailfinders’ 50th Anniversary Garden
Designer: Jonathan Snow

The Trailfinders’ 50th Anniversary Garden celebrates the origins of the company, and is inspired by the landscape, culture and plants of the Himalayan foothills.
The planting is representative of the temperate zone of the Himalayas. Statement plants include Pinus wallichiana and Dryopteris wallichiana, alongside flowering thalictrums, persicarias, actaeas and hedychiums. This garden was originally planned for the May Show and has necessitated a considerable re-think on the plant list, to accentuate the often-overlooked autumn flowering plants of Nepal, rather than the spring flowering plants which are more synonymous with this area.

With all of the above gardens, the original plant list for May has had to be revised, and all of the spring flowering plants replaced by autumn flowering ones, but still encapsulating the essence of the original design. In our next update we will talk in more detail about the design challenges of turning a Spring Show Garden into an autumn one.

Keep checking in!

Posted by Liam Murphy
27th May 2021

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